Michael Christopher Hallock
About Me:
In 2018, I received my Masters in Business Administration from Kennesaw State University, an AACSB accredited school. Prior to that, I graduated magna cum laude from Southern Polytechnic State University in 2014 with a bachelors in New Media Arts. Both of my degrees get utilized on a daily basis within my field of work and hobbies.
While pursuing my bachelors degree, I co-founded Maker Motorsports; an ebay store dedicated to providing 3D printed car parts to Volvo and Ford owners. In our first year, we went international with sales to nine countries in four different continents. By 2016, demand exceeded our production capacity and we transitioned our storefront to an online 3D printer for processing and distribution. The 3D printing production and sales were concluded in 2024, but car parts and branded merchandise are still readily available.
Professionally, I work in upper level management for one of the largest manufacturing organizations within its respective industry. But my greatest passion is for cars and when I do find spare time, most of it is consumed by turning wrenches, fabricating car parts, and capturing instructional videos and vlogs for my YouTube channel.
Beginning in 2009, I created the MyNameIdeasWereTaken channel to post goofy videos that I made with friends. Two years later, I started creating Do-It-Yourself content working on my Volvo S40; it was an under-featured platform with a rapidly growing enthusiast following. My screen name has since gained international recognition for my frequent video uploads, unique projects, blogs, and photography. Having racked up millions of views, this hobby has evolved into a source of revenue, further funding my ongoing automotive projects.
But most importantly is my salvation through Jesus Christ and the love and support from my family.